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Workshop Details

B1: TBRI: Trust Based Relational Intervention Introduction & Overview (All-Day Part 2)

Presented by Jamila Nwokorie
Located at

Workshop Description

This workshop will be presented as a three-part, all day event. Those who register for this session must also register for and attend sessions A1 and C1. 

TBRI (Trust Based Relational Intervention) is a model used to treat complex developmental trauma in children from hard places and can aid in relationship building in those that are neurotypical. In this workshop you will learn about TBRI and its principals and how to begin to use it with the youth you engage with.

Learning Objectives:

  • Gain an understanding of what is TBRI
  • Gain a deeper understanding of how trauma affects the brain and its development
  • Understand and learn tools to implement the three connecting principles that make up TBRI

Approved by DCS for Foster Care Parent Hours

Presenter Bio:

Jamila Nwokorie has worked for almost 7 years in the adoption and foster care department of Firefly Children &n Family Alliance. Five years ago, she became a TBRI practitioner which allows her to educate parents, staff, and community members on the TBRI model.