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Workshop Details

A2: Multigenerational Workforce: How to use generational differences to make your workplace more productive for all

Presented by Gina Forrest, Ph.D., MPH
Located at

Workshop Description

You won’t want to miss this interactive session!  Participants will recognize and understand the generational differences in the workforce.  This can improve team dynamics and enhance leadership effectiveness. Each generation brings its own set of strengths, challenges, and preferences to the workplace, and being aware of these can help leaders create a more inclusive and productive work environment.

Understanding these generational characteristics can help leaders tailor their communication, leadership styles, and work arrangements to better engage and motivate employees from different generations. It also promotes a more inclusive and harmonious workplace, where everyone feels valued and understood.

Learning Objectives:  

  • Identify the four generations, and the characteristics and motivations of each
  • Explore how members of each generation work
  • Discuss how each generation affects you
  • Examine how to use generational differences to make your workplace more productive for all employees

Presenter Bios:

Dr. Gina Forrest is a native Hoosier and wants to play a positive role in helping Indiana become a more inclusive, healthier, and beautiful place to live, work, and play.  She has worked in the for-profit, non-profit, government, and academia fields with healthcare being her favorite!

Dr. Gina has earned her degrees from Indiana University - Bloomington, including a Master of Public Health and a PhD in Health Behavior with a minor in Nonprofit Management, research focus on Health Inequities.  She is a lifelong learner and enjoys constantly learning more. 

She loves to volunteer in her community and is creating her own line of beauty products including lip balm, hair oils, and body scrub.  Dr. Gina has two marvelous sons, a wonderful mom, and great friends!