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Workshop Details

A5: Serving LGBTQ+ Opportunity Youth - Tangible Skills for Supporting Queer Youth

Presented by Tyne Parlett
Located at

Workshop Description

This dynamic training will focus on terminology, definitions, and statistics that help those serving this population become empowered and aware of the vast experience of LGBTQ+ people, their identities, and barriers. This training is facilitated by a trans, nonbinary presenter with a queer opportunity-aged child, making this subject matter accessible, personal, and interactive in ways other pieces of training may not.

 Learning Objectives

  • Understand and Overview of US LGBTQIA+ Intersectional History
  • Provide most widely accepted terminology, definitions and common acronyms
  • To provide accessible, practical, and meaningful tools, interventions, and skills for service agencies and direct service staff to relate to and support LGBTQ+ youth/young adults more fully.

Approved by DCS for DCS Foster Care Parent Hours

Presenter Bio:

Tyne Parlett is the Founder and Lead Facilitator of Cultivating A Belonging Culture, a passion project founded to address the inequities and systemic oppression of vulnerable communities. CABC facilitates and consults in Indiana on LGBTQIA+ inclusion, Antiracism, Harm Reduction and safe Substance use, Comprehensive sex education, and transformative justice. We believe in healing, justice, and equity through education, accountability, and collaborative praxis.